Third CORTEVA meeting

Posted on Thu 20 June 2019 in misc

The third meeting of the consortium has taken place on the 11 and 12 of june 2019 in Toulouse, at the ONERA's premises.

In this meeting, we discussed the state of the project.

  • F. Fort (CRIStAL) presented recent work on the synchronous language Prelude.

  • L. Havet (RTaW) described progress on WP1 on the CPAL language tool, and possible integrations with the Prelude language.

  • C. Ballabriga (CRIStAL) presented his work on WP2, and in particular on our recent work on abstract interpretation of binary code.

  • We worked together on the definition and the refinement of the project's requirements (WP4). In particular, we selected a case study of a robotic application that will be used to demonstrate the technology developed in the course of the project.

  • We also discussed the work that has to be done on the scheduling analysis (WP3) and we made plans for recruiting a new member of the project (ONERA).

During the meeting, we also invited H. Cassé of the University of Toulouse to discuss the evolution of the OTAWA tool. This tool will be used in the project to support the research on parametric WCET.


  • Changes at ONERA: Luca Santinelli leaves ONERA (and the project) to join Airbus. We wish him all the best in his new job! Two new people join the project for ONERA: Youcef Bouchebaba and David Doose. Welcome!

  • Changes at RTAW: Loïc Fejoz has left RTaW and the project. We thank him for his dedication to the project, and we wish all the best in his future endeavours. The new responsible for the project at RTaW is Lionel Havet.

Photo of the meeting at ONERA

Group photo